A Cataract is "Clouding of the lens inside your eye. It usually happens with advancing years and occurs over many years"
Usually your optician informs your that your cataracts are getting close to needing surgery. Increasingly we are finding our patients self refer themselves when they feel their vision isn't what it used to be.
This is often slow but over the years your vision may feel less good than it used to be. Colours may be less vivid.
Sometimes comparison to previous tests highlights how good you used to see so your Optician is a good guide as to how your cataracts may be affecting you.
You may be finding that you need your glasses more often, for example greater dependance for reading, driving and daily life.
You may feel that your glasses don't improve your vision as much as you'd like or permanently feel like they need a clean. This is often cataract.
Often a cataract causes a progressive change in your prescription and requires your glasses to be frequently "made stronger".
This is common sign of cataract.
In the early stages new glasses can help but later on the changes happen very quickly (often expensive) and eventually even with stronger lenses you may not be able to improve your vision to meet your expectations.
When the lens inside your eye become cloudy it can cause glare or dazzle symptoms.
This is particularly bothersome in low sun or whilst driving at night.
Removing cataracts often significantly improves your ability to drive after dark and oncoming car headlights are much less debilitating.
Reading is one of the most demanding functions for your eyes but one we all love to do.
Small print often serves to highlight the level of impairment that cataract may be causing you.
If reading is less enjoyable than it used to be or you find you need a brighter light to read then it may be time to consider cataract surgery.
Cataracts can impair our ability to drive.
Difficulty seeing road signs, parking accidents or loss of confidence behind the wheel can all be attributed to cataract formation.
There is also a legal visual requirement for driving which we must all adhere to. Often your Optometrist will tell you if you are getting close to this minimum standard.
If you'd like to call or email then we can help you understand Cataracts and what we can do to help
Farnham Eye Care, Bishops Square, Old Park Lane, Farnham, GU9 0AD
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Private cataract surgery at Farnham Eye Care with Mr Lindfield (courtesy of BUPA)
Farnham Eye Care offers Cataract Surgery to local areas including Farnham, Haslemere, Camberley, Alton, Fleet, Aldershot, Guildford, Bordon, Liphook, Basingstoke